At OTA Wakefield and Bedford, our goal is to help children overcome developmental and learning challenges and to improve their participation in family and community life. From consultation to evaluation, treatment, family education and support, we try to make learning and living easier for your child and family. We provide the highest quality of services and specialties to meet your child’s specific needs.

At OTA our skilled occupational therapists provide experienced child and family centered occupational therapy services to clients with a variety of needs and diagnoses. These services include evaluation, treatment, family education and support, and consultation with other providers. We use evidence-based practices and programs to help improve a variety of skills in the areas of sensory processing, self-regulation, fine motor skills, gross motor skills, strength, executive functioning, play, and self-care skills. Our caring therapists strive to improve our clients’ skills as well as provide education and support to families for improved function and success within home, school, and community settings. 

At OTA our feeding therapy services are provided by a multidisciplinary team of occupational therapists and speech-language pathologists who are experienced in both sensory and motor-based approaches to treating feeding difficulties.  Your child will be placed with one of our skilled therapists based on their specific needs, and we will provide individualized strategies to increase participation in food exploration, improve chewing skills and for carryover to the home environment.  Our goal is that children and families learn ways to explore and be comfortable with a variety of foods to reduce stress at mealtimes and safely increase their nutritional intake.

At OTA our speech-language services are provided by a team of caring speech-language pathologists who are experienced with a wide range of pediatric speech and language disorders.  Our services include evaluation, treatment, social skills pairings and groups, family education, support, and consultation with other providers.  We strive to provide our clients with a positive experience that will set them up for communicative success in all facets of their lives.